Archive | September, 2011

The Three Trees (Retold)

29 Sep

The Three trees (Retold)

A long long time ago, in a land far far away, there were three very ambitious trees on a hill in the woods. The 1st tree had a dream that one day it would be made to become a treasure chest, one that holds valuable jewels, gold and rubies. The 2nd tree’s dream was to become a huge ship that would be able to carry Kings and queens across the waters and sail to the corners of the world. The 3rd tree’s dream was to grow into the tallest and straightest tree in the forest. So that people from far and near would be able to recognize the hill and thus he would be able to represent the hill.

We all have dreams and we work extensively hard every day to achieve them. Similar to us, the three trees word hard day and night toward their dreams.

After a few years of praying, working and striving toward their dreams, a group of woodsmen entered the woods. As they approached the 1st tree, he looked at tit bark and said: ’This looks like a strong tree. I think I should be able to sell it to the carpenter.’ The 1st tree was happy about it as they started to chop him down because he thought that he’s dreams would soon be fulfilled. As they approached the 2nd tree, they agreed that the bark of the second tree was strong and suitable to be sold to the shipyard. The 2nd tree was happy because he thought he could be made into a strong ship. As they approached the 3rd tree, the 3rd tree prayed that they would not chop it down but sadly, he got chopped down as well.

When the first tree arrived at the carpenters, he was made into a feed box for animals. He was then placed in a barn and filled with hay. This was not at all what he had wished for. The second tree was cut and made into a small boat. His dreams of being a mighty ship and carrying kings had come to an end. As for the third tree, he was cut into large pieces and left alone in the dark.

Years passed, the determination and believe in the trees began to slowly fade away.

Then during one stormy night, a pregnant woman entered the barn and gave birth to a baby. She placed the baby on the hay in the feed box that was made by the 1st tree. As this was where the baby was born, the woman requested for that feed box to be made into a crib for the baby. The tree could feel the importance of this event and knew that it had held the greatest treasure of all time, a life.

Years later a ship was caught in a huge storm and was beginning to sink. The crew lowered the escape boats in order to escape the sinking ship. The second tree was made into one of the many boats. As the storm was huge, it was afraid that it could not keep the men safe. Within the huge storm one of the men stood and shouted out toward the heavens “God, please guide us pass this storm” and a miracle happened, the storm began to slow down and finally stopped. At this time, the tree knew that it had carried the King of Kings in its boat.

Finally one day, someone used the bark of the third tree and built a flag pole on the very top of the hill where it stood high up where people far and near would recognize the hill by the flag pole.

  When things don’t seem to be going your way, always know that as long as you have the determination, believe, and faith, things will somehow or another turn out just fine. We don’t know what God has planned for us. We don’t know what our future holds. We don’t know if what we do is great. But there is one thing we must know; we have to try our best in striving for our goals. Each of the trees got what exactly they wanted, just not how they had imagined. When one door closes, another door opens, we are often too focused and brought down by the 1st door slamming in our faces that we fail to see the 2nd door of opportunity opening for us.

Throughout our life, we will face countless amounts of doors closing in our faces. The next time you face a closed door, remember this short story, don’t be too sad, don’t be discouraged, instead open your eyes and look out for that new door of opportunity opening for you!

Lessons she taught me

11 Sep

My Dad once told me: “There is always something you can learn from anyone, no matter younger or older, directly, or indirectly.”

I never really understood what he meant until my cousin from half way around the world came to visit me.

My cousin was a small, young little girl. Who, unlike me, was very annoying, very daring, and very forceful. Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever been bullied by a girl, half your size, 10 years younger than you? I have…

At the theme park, my cousin, unlike other young little girls who enjoyed riding ferries wheels, merry go rounds, or any other slow, cute and  safe rides, always wanted to ride the most thrilling rides in the theme park. She will always want to ride the fastest rides, the highest rides, the rides where most screams can be heard.

As she went to measure her height, I would always be hoping, wishing and praying that she will not reach the minimum required height… but somehow, she would always, always, be walking back happily with a big smile on her face saying: “I’m tall enough, let’s go!”

“Did you know, every year there are, 12 deaths and 6,500 injuries caused from roller coaster rides?”

“Oh don’t be such a woosey! Come on let’s go!” as she dragged me on the ride…

After lots of screaming, crying, and finally vomiting… somehow, I survived…

Next on her agenda was swimming, yet again something I wasn’t good at.

My cousin really loved swimming. She could swim like a fish and I could sink like a brick. I couldn’t swim, but was forced to accompany her into the pool… I could barely stand in the pool where she swimming and treading around happily. I always stayed at the side and she would always swim over and attempt to pull me to the middle of the pool. To me the side was safe, the side is good, the side had land. As she attempted to pull me, I would hang on to the side for my dear life…

“Did you know, every year there are about, 5000 people who drown in swimming pools?”

“Oh don’t be such a woosey! Come on!”

The more I resisted, the more she would insisted. Her voice was like a lion’s roar and can be heard at the other end of the pool. If I did not do as she pleases, we will become the center of attraction. Imagine how bad would that look, a girl 10 years younger than me forcing me to the middle of the pool.

Normally, it would be the reverse… and so I did as she pleased…

After drinking gallons of water with my nose and mouth… Somehow, I survived…

As we headed back to the hotel, my cousin wanted some ice cream.

I walked up to counter, and asked, hi sir, can I have an ice cream cone?

My cousin looked at me with her huge round hazel eyes and said you forgot the magic word… “please”

Ice cream booth waiter: “That will be RM6.90”

Me: “Thank you. Can I have some tissues?”

My cousin beside me: “please”

Me: “Can I have some tissues, please?”

My cousin was 10 years younger than me and teaching me manners.

That night when we returned to our hotel, she continued to disturb me, annoy me and forced me to do things that I didn’t want to. Finally she dozed off on my bed.

My young cousin, may be a huge disturbance, very annoying and very forceful, but she definitely directly or indirectly, taught me a thing or two about life.

From the roller coaster experience, she taught be to be braver and to dare to try new things, at least once. I must admit the ride was pretty awesome.

In the swimming pool, she made me learn some basic swimming skills… so now whenever she pulled me to the middle of the pool, at least I had the ability to swim back to the side.

My cousin was 10 years younger than me, but reminded me on manners which I constantly forget. The magic word, “please”

There is always something you can learn from anyone, not matter younger or older, directly, or indirectly. The next time you meet someone younger, be sure to look out for what you can learn.

Dad I finally understood what you meant!