Archive | March, 2011

Flower Fruit Mountain

14 Mar

An experience  story to share:

Some people rest
Others stay stressed
Some others strive to be the best
While I stood above the rest

What did you normally do on a Sunday morning? Some of you might have spent the day out enjoying yourself. Some of you might have just stayed at home and relax. But I choose to hike flower fruit mountain, other wise known as “Gunung Bunga Buah”  or “Fa Gou San”

I went unprepared, unfit and untrained, but I entered like hero.

At the foot of the mountain, the starting point of the hike. It was not a straight road, nor a windy path, not even an uphill 45 degree road, but sharp 90 degree curbs which reached till my waste level. When I looked up I saw dark clouds looming over me. At that moment I thought I could never make it up there. Then my friend walked over and put his arm over my shoulder and told me “Han-Sen, the rewards at the peak are worth you climb”

Then I thought to myself, this mountain is called Flower Fruit Mountain so maybe I will be able to find beautiful flowers, juicy fruits, and magnificent view. That was what motivated me to climb flower Fruit Mountain and so I started my hike.

30minutes into the hike was when I knew I totally underestimated the hike. I thought it would be like a stroll in the park, unfortunately, there was a lot of huffing and puffing…  Not to mention the battles that I had with the leeches, mud and other insects…

I was trying my very best to keep up with them, calling for breaks from time to time. Seeing that I was exhausted my friend walked over and put his arm over my shoulder and told me “Dude, Cheer up, the worse is yet to come”. I gave him a strong killing glare that made him instantly run off.

The only inspiration that I had was my curiosity of what I would see at the peak. I imagined beautiful sceneries, with the cooling breezes that would kiss my cheeks. That was my only inspiration and motivation to getting to the peak.

Finally, we reached the peak! I rushed to get a good view, rushed to get a good feeling of the atmosphere, and finally cure my curious mind. To my great disappointment, there was nothing on the peak. Yes I am dead serious there was nothing on the peak! Can you believe that? The only thing that stood there was an old, vandalized and rusty shelter. There was nothing else. The view was definitely not worth the hike. I felt that I could get a similar view by looking out of this building. It was a real disappointment for me. Seeing that I was upset my friend came over to me a put his arm over myshoulder and told me: “Han-Sen, life is full of disappointments, this is just one of the many”. I elbowed him after his statement.

My friend then came back and told me this “Giving up is the easiest thing in the world to do…but holding everything together, persevering to the top even when everything seems to be falling apart shows your true strength. You may have came up like a zero but you definitely will return as a hero”

In life we don’t know what we are really capable of. We don’t know if what we do is great. But there is one thing we must always know that is to never never give up in whatever we do.

Don’t forget, in everything we do, It starts with you!