Archive | November, 2010

Courage to take action

30 Nov

Though out our life. I’m sure many of us would have allowed countless opportunities to just slip past us.

Picture yourself eating sushi at your favorite Japanese restaurant, where the sushi comes around by the conveyer belt. As many people begin to fill in the restaurant, you spot your favorite dish on the menu, and it’s for half the price! You then spot the small print, which state “limited for the 1st 100 plates only.”  …Now what would you do? Would you think to yourself that… this 100 plates would definitely have been sold out and do not bother? Or would you sit by the conveyer belt, hoping and wait for your favorite dish to float by? Or would you raise your hand up into the air and call “Waiter! 10 plates of this please! Now! Fast!”.

I’m guessing that most of us would go for the third option…

Now, you were not shy to call out in front of the crowd of close to 100 people in the restaurant. You had the courage to shout out, reached out and state what you exactly wanted.

Similar in our lives, why do opportunities slip past us? It’s mostly due to our mistakes, for not having enough courage to grab them. Do you think you would be able to order your favorite dish if you had not called the waiter and told him what exactly you wanted? Do you think you would be able to land that date with that special person if you had not told him/her how exactly you felt about him/her? Instead of waiting for the opportunity to float to you, you stood up and created you own opportunity.

“Linda Bradford” a successful professional trader once said. The worst thing you can do is not to try.

Sometimes in life the most difficult thing to do is to finding the courage to do it. As a saying goes, What you are afraid to do is a clear indicator of what you need to do.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. To those of you out there, get out there and take that small step of courage to chase your dreams, the courage to do what is right, and the courage to rise every time we fall. Remember, it starts with you!