Archive | February, 2011

One small action

18 Feb

One small action is all it takes to make a big difference.

What are the small actions that we take every day in impacting people’s lives? Do these actions we take give them a positive impact or a negative impact? Have you ever though how your actions may have changed in the lives of the people around you?

Some of our actions stir up positive hidden intents in the people around us causing them to begin committing to their goals, their dreams, and their passions.

Some of our actions stir up negative hidden intents in the people around us causing them to begin to lose their self esteem, lose their believe, and begin to hate the people or environment they are in.

We can choose to impact them positively or we can choose to impact them negatively. The choice is ours… it has always been.

Little Things do Mean A Lot when the messages that we send make others feel motivated, inspired, or happy. Similarly if they would make others feel left out, overlooked, or discounted. Behaviors that may seem small such as, failing to thank someone, or overlooking someone during a function, or being late for an appointment do matter. As a leader once said, “Little things can add up and become much bigger until they impact our daily lives…

See what difference just one small action from you can do.

Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small action you can change a person’s life. For better or for worse. We are all placed in each other’s lives to impact one another in some way. Look for how you can impact others. One small action is all it takes!